I am speaking-- of course-- about the Butterfly Club. And when my American comrades come visit, they will most certainly experience its glory. Sadly, visitors in '06 did not get to enjoy a Sparkling Sunset cocktail or bask in the glow of the fireplace underneath the creepy, creepy doll collection, because of tight time constraints, but for the RFL and others-- I am making it top priority.
What was meant to be a quick evening catching up with Housie's former housemate + GF:
turned out to be another one of those nights I so love: eating and drinking with a motley crew of Aussies.
We were meant to see the show "The Divine Miss Z Sings the Divine Miss M." Truth be told, we were unsure if this was going to be a drag show. The image on the website was misleading:

Is this a tranny? Is this an abstract/Andy Warhol-ised headshot of Bette circa 1977? So many questions... For a variety of reasons, however, namely, da funds, we all opted to get some drinks instead [SIDENOTE: Catching a glimpse through the theatre's cracks upon our departure ensured we weren't missing much... she was 100% woman. Where's the fun in THAT?!] and chitchat in the back area (underneath the life-size Hustler doll; I'll spare you an image). After our cravings for burgers consumed us (perhaps this is because these are currently the contents of my fridge and pantry: hard-boiled eggs, yoghurt, condiments, crackers, and Weet-Bix), we walked down to the Town Hall (trivia nights!) to find it was $10 burger night! Scorehuge!
And because I told myself I would make this blog as dissimilar to a journal as humanly possible, I will stop describing my night right there. Just know it's nights like these that make me never want to leave.
I'll put some more pictures of the Butterfly Club because really words do not do it justice.
it's a bar; there are tables and stools
and obvi mini pagodas and 18th century portraits and Victorian wing chairs
giving my chock-a-block bedroom a run for its money
very camp: Ken Doll party inside a Mann Chinese Theater of sorts
Lindsay, Thanks for the images from inside the labryinth of intrigue that IS the Butterfly Club.
Sorry we missed the joint on last summer's grand tour of OZ! Perhaps next time...
And, of course , not one to miss an opportunity for proofreading - is tchotchke spelled differently Down Under? :)
Searching for this for some time now - i guess luck is more advanced than search engines
What rare good luck! What happiness!
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