Ahh yes this is how my family (extended and immediate -- and by immediate I mean Mama K as I am sans siblings for life) operates. Do up the social events big, y'all. Look out for forthcoming post on how party decor turned out at our party to celebrate the war of American aggression.
Also in this package were many other amazing things, including a mix CD from Mama K. And in case you were wondering what the instructions are for How to Make Lindsay Cry 101, all you need to do is put Lucinda William's 'Are You Alright?' as track 1 and you're dunzo.
[SIDENOTE: Lucinda REALLY looks like that loud haggish woman from Big Brother. Even more so cos they both like to wear tweed newsboy caps. Sadly I was not able to procure any photos of BB evictee wearing one:

Anyway, strategically-chosen songs about daughters and life and Philadelphia completed the awesomeness, and extra points for a song by Charlotte Gainsbourg who recently starred in The Science of Sleep with mi amor, Gael.
Also in the package:
Yes, 'Blog fodder' that says. Particularly the school board case. Manheim Township, what gives? You produce this douche and then you go and ban Maya FREAKING Angelou????? There were other positive articles from my hometown; they are not all narrow-minded conservative folk, but man oh man this kind of stuff pisses me off.
I fear that since my life just got sufficiently crazier, and I have International Visitor #7 coming in approx 1 week, my posts will be less frequent. And for that, I am sorry. I will have plenty more verve coming at you as we turn the corner into spring. THAW, AUSTRALIA. THAW. YOU CAN DO IT. Until then, enjoy the summer weather, Northerners!
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