Simply purchase the Choir of Hard Knocks CD on Itunes (might have to sign in via Australia) and listen to Put a Little Love in Your Heart and Not Pretty Enough (Kasey Chamber's, yeah!) and the tears will flow. Promise. But not sad tears-- more like the tears I experience when I watch Dove's Campaign for Real Beauty commercials or read an article about the US southern town that adopted 20+ Sudanese refugees or Good Weekend's Just the Two of Us about a couple who survived the Holocaust and have been married for sixty years. You know, tears of joy... for the beauty of humanity.
I've missed their show on ABC basically the entire season cos I pretty much didn't know it existed until recently. A shame because everyone heralds it as "THIS is reality television." I blame our craptastic aerial and finicky indoor antenna... Some of the members are well known from selling the Big Issue (UK version cos Oz doesn't seem to have its own website) around town, and some are new to the spotlight.

33 year old Josephine McKinnon (theage)
Everyone certainly has a story to tell. One woman's husband died five years ago and is now having trouble finding after-school help for her son who has Asperger's. Oh, and she's been blind all her life. She told the Age, "I've never had a more accepting bunch of people around me."
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